Running a business is beyond a full-time commitment. While it’s incredibly rewarding to take the helm of your own company, most small business owners are rushed off their feet – so finding time to create and update a successful blog isn’t always easy.
But with almost two-thirds of purchases starting out online, a blog is a must-have for modern businesses.
Why do you need a blog?
Many business owners see a blog as a nice-to-have platform where they can share the everyday accomplishments of their business. And while these types of posts have their place, a blog has the potential to be so much more than that.
Your business blog can be a launchpad for drawing in new customers. It can help your business shoot to the top of Google. It can give you content to bolster your social media presence. It can even convert would-be buyers into brand-loyal customers.
But achieving all this takes time – so where can business owners find time to blog?
Decide what you want to achieve from your blog
Giving your blog a defined purpose is a great place to start. It means every word you contribute to your blog feels necessary and worthwhile, so you’re more likely to make time to write.
Your blog’s purpose can be to provide news and updates about your business; rise through the Google rankings; support your social media strategy; or all three. The more defined your purpose, the easier it will be to come up with ideas for your blog.
Strategise from the start
If you have a good blog plan in place, it makes things a whole lot easier – and less time-consuming.
By setting aside an hour at the start of each month to plan your posts, you’ll never be sitting at an empty screen, stumped for what to write. It’s a surefire way to save you time.
View and download your yearly blog plan template here (Google Sheets format).
Keep a list of blog post ideas
Don’t sit down and try to think of ideas for your next blog post. The pressure and expectation can lead to suppressed creativity and a lack of inspiration.
Instead, go about your usual work, and when an idea comes to mind, write it down. Keep an ongoing note in your phone of every idea that comes to you. That way, when you’re ready to plan your next round of posts, you’ll have a ready-made list of ideas.
Write blog posts that interest and excite you
There’s nothing less inspiring than churning out articles about subjects that bore you. Plus, if the article bores you, it’s going to bore your readers.
Even if your business doesn’t lend itself to kooky or fun content, you can find an angle that’s interesting to you. For example, see the difference between “How to apply for a job” and “10 tips to wow your next employer in your job application.”
Use subheadings to plan each post
For inexperienced writers, the blank page can be daunting. But with a little planning, you can make this prospect a lot less scary. Before you start writing, enter a few subheadings about your topic that you can use to guide your writing. If you can think of 6 subheadings, you’ll now have 6 blocks of 150 words to write, rather than 900 words of unplanned text.
Breaking things up like this makes the whole blogging process less daunting – and it means you can split your blogging time over multiple days, without losing your momentum.
10 things you can do while you blog
Now you have an arsenal full of great time-saving blogging tips, it’s time to put them into practice. For many business owners, it’s not just the process of blogging that takes time – it’s the rest of their day-to-day lives, too.
To prove that blogging doesn’t have to be a chore, here are 10 ways to multitask while you blog.
1. Write your social media posts
When you’re researching your blog post, you might come up with a great little titbit that your social media followers would love to know about. Post it there and then, or schedule it in as a future post. It’s a great way to establish yourself as an expert in your field.
2. Make dinner
While this may not be the best time to write a new blog post from scratch, you can definitely squeeze in some planning while you wait for the pasta to boil. Create a few subheadings for your next post, or plan the titles for your next round of blog posts while dinner is in the oven.
3. Commute to the office
Your commute is a great time to work on your blog. If you use public transport, you can spend your train time wisely by hashing out some quickfire content on the go. If you drive to work, listen to an industry podcast to inspire some great ideas for your next round of blog posts.
4. Netflix and blog
You deserve some downtime, and watching a bingeable TV show is a great way to get some. That said, if you feel a whirr of inspiration while you’re watching, this can also be a good time to hash out the beginnings of a new blog post. Even if you’re distracted by the programme, it can help to get words on the page.
5. Delegate work
When you run your own business, it can be difficult to let go of the little things. After all, you’ve built your business from the ground up. But if you have staff or contractors, make sure to delegate tasks to them. This will free up your time so you can work on your blog. Better yet, hire a freelance writer to work on your blog for you – freeing up your time to work on your business.
6. Monitor your emails
If you’re waiting for the next big contract to come through, or for your suppliers to confirm their next shipment, don’t twiddle your thumbs while you wait. Plan out a few blog posts so you have a series of article plans ready for your next blogging session.
7. Scroll through social media
Replace your tenth scroll through the socials with some dedicated blogging time. While social media is pretty fun – and it definitely has its place in business – videos of cute dogs aren’t going to earn you the big wins a well-written blog post can. So put the phone down and get writing.
8. Network with colleagues
Networking events can be great for business owners. They offer a chance to meet potential customers and like-minded entrepreneurs. But not all networking events are created equal. If an event you’re at isn’t quite what you hoped it would be, make sure you have your laptop on hand so you can sneak out of the substandard lecture and work on your next blog post.
9. Write a marketing email
Keep in touch with your customers by penning a swift marketing email alongside your blog post. It’s a great way to share some quick wins, a promo you’re running, or a heads-up that your next blog post will be out soon.
10. Contact industry experts
Blogging can be a great way to connect with other experts in your industry. Whether you want a quote for your article, or you know someone who can help you fill in the blanks in your post, use your blogging time to reach out to big names in your industry. With social media sites like LinkedIn, it’s easier than ever. Plus, it’s a great way to network while you write.
Use your time effectively in all areas of your business
Finding time to blog isn’t easy – and it shouldn’t impact your downtime, either. For the success of your business – and your own wellbeing – you need to take a break.
But if you can find pockets of time among the chaos of entrepreneurship and home life to plan and write your blog posts, you’ll soon start seeing a big impact on the success of your business’s online presence.
For more time-saving business blogging tips, check out the rest of my resources.